Ingredients Directions Donne 6 portions. Makes 6 servings. … [Read more...]
Frites au four
Ingrédients Directions … [Read more...]
Pommes de terre au four à la suédoise (Hasselback)
Les pommes de terre Hasselback, un accompagnement d’une apparence très soignée, sont très faciles à préparer. Durant la cuisson au four, les pommes de terre tranchées s’ouvrent délicatement en éventail et enjoliveront toutes vos présentations. Les pommes de terre Russet … [Read more...]
Buffalo Chicken Potato Skins
This lively dish gives a nod to buffalo chicken wings without the extra fat and calories. Start with a foundation of nutritious potatoes and replace the fried wings with shredded chicken breast. Top with fresh tomatoes and onions. An excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamin A, … [Read more...]
Pesto Parmesan Potato Stackers
As seen in popular women’s and cooking magazines! This Pesto Parmesan Potato Stackers recipe includes Roasted Yukon Gold potato stacks layered with fresh basil pesto and melted Parmesan cheese. For a twist, layer potatoes with your favorite flavors—from garlic and olive oil … [Read more...]